Thursday 12 July 2012

Motorised - 365+1

Coppercurls Designs - Funky Brights, Designs by Mozz - Forever
Two or three times a week I travel by train for my work.  When I saw the prompt for motorised I thought about the train.  They make us stand on the platform until they have finished putting up the seat reservations and had their break, so I had a few minutes to take a photo of the TransPennine train tonight. It's a diesel so it is motorised.


  1. What a swishy train, is it crowded or do you get a seat? Great layout if it :) xx

  2. lovely colorful layout for whatcanbe a less than colorful way of travelling xx

  3. Fortunately, I do usually get a seat as the journey is an hour! Regular travellers know where the seats that don't get booked are located and we also save each other seats!

  4. What shiny train. Beautiful !

  5. Again an excellent project! Congratulations to the idea and great design!

  6. great layout and photo of the train.

  7. What a great layout of your train. I went on the transpennine express from Presto to Scarborough one year. It was a very crowded journey.

  8. Love the photo and great LO too :)


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